Are occupational therapy and physiotherapy effective in Parkinson's Dilruk 9:14 PM 0 19 January 2016 We believe that occupational therapy and physiotherapy can help to improve Parkinson's symptoms, despite new res...
Parkinson’s Disease: Aerobics Could Slow It Down Dilruk 9:05 PM 0 Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disorder of the nervous system with symptoms such as rigid muscles, slowed movement, as we...
Identifying another piece in the Parkinson's disease pathology puzzle Dilruk 7:00 PM 0 International consortium identifies and validates cellular role of priority Parkinson's disease drug target, LRRK2 kinase Source: Ma...
Treating Parkinson's disease by solving the mysteries of movement Dilruk 6:57 PM 0 Scientists discover a brain circuit that controls walking and identify a new target for treating Parkinson's disease Source: Gladsto...